Sunday 28 February 2010

Orange books

Robin Hood

Green books

The wizard, the fairy and the magic chicken
Lydia and her garden
Peterkin meets a star

Saturday 27 February 2010

Judith Kerr: The tiger who came to tea

The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!

John Burningham: The shopping basket

An ordinary trip to the shop becomes an extraordinary adventure for Steven as he encounters all sorts of hazards on his way home and has to use his wits to overcome them.

Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury: We're going on a bear hunt

We're going on a bear hunt,
We're going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.
Caves, mud, rivers, forest … whatever obstacles the family encounters, they overcome with reassuring ease. But when their quest is successful, they decide bear hunts are not to be repeated.

Sue Graves: Stroppy Poppy

Whenever Poppy is asked to help someone in the family, she gets stroppy. So the family comes up with a scheme to be stroppy next time Poppy wants to play something...

Mick Gowar and O'Kif: Baa baa black sheep/Baa baa pink sheep

The traditional rhyme and a funny version...

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Francesca Simon: Henry der Schreckliche

Immer brav und artig sein? Nein, das ist nichts für Henry den Schrecklichen. Streiche aushecken und Chaos veranstalten, das ist viel mehr nach seinem Geschmack. Ein Sammelband mit sechzehn Abenteuern!

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Thilo & Christian Zimmer: Der kleine Zauberer lernt lesen

Lesen lernen bis zum nächsten Vollmond? Kein Problem, meint der kleine Zauberer Zwack! Er will den großen Magiern jetzt endlich zeigen, dass er schon alleine einen Zauberspruch aus dem Buch der Magier nachzaubern kann. Doch - oh Schreck! Plötzlich ist Zwacks Haus verhext - und kein Buch, kein Stift und kein Papier sind mehr darin zu finden. Wie soll der kleine Zauberer jetzt nur die Buchstaben lernen? Eines ist klar: Zwack braucht dringend Hilfe vom schlauen Uhu Huhu...

Monday 1 February 2010

David Roberts: Pooh, is that you, Bertie?

Bertie can be a bit smelly. When he trumps, it makes his mum cross, embarrasses his dad, upsets his gran and offends his sister. But they all have a secret - and Bertie knows what it is.